About The Artist
You can listen to Hector\'s voiceover demos and Spanish voice-overs in various categories through the player on the page, and download the artist\'s demo voiceovers from here.
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Education and Career
Served some brands. TVE / Clan Tv / Nickelodeon / Volkswagen / Orange / Acnur / Sony Music / Grupo Planeta editorial / Renta Corporacion / Telefónica / Juguettos / Disney / Fox / HBO / Schüco / Budweiser / Bezoya / Ibercaja / Cecabank / Renta Corporacion / Cepsa / Tavelocity / Lainox/ Fluchos / Kiriom / Government of Madrid / Government of Cantabria / Government of Canarias / Ysonut / Grupo Jorge / Drp Software / Zirkonzahn / unBlock / Trustonic ... Educated Estudios especializados de doblaje en Universidad Carlos III, Madrid Escuela de doblaje and Soundub Formación. Applies to: Eduardo Gutierrez, Lucia Esteban, Manuel Bellido, Laura Palacios, Pilar Santigosa, Amparo Bravo, Salvador Aldeguer, Antonio Esquivias, Alfredo Martinez, Rafael Naranjo, Luis Martín..